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What is the difference between a hard contact lens and a gas permeable lens?


▪️Hard contact lenses were the first type of lenses invented, and they were made out of a material called PMMA (the same type of plastic on the handles of screwdrivers).
▪️Doctors started noticing issues with eye health, because there was no oxygen getting to the cornea.
▪️Next came the invention of gas permeable material. The lenses were very similar to the original hard contact lenses, but they allow oxygen to get to the cornea. This is a much safer alternative for your eye health.
▪️Hard contact lenses and gas permeable lenses are both effective forms of vision correction, the but gas permeable material is safer because it allows more oxygen to get to your eye.
▪️Gas permeable lenses are often referred to as hard lenses, so eye doctors will know what you mean if you tell them you have a hard contact lens. However, most ‘hard lenses’ are made of the gas permeable material nowadays.
▪️This information might be boring, but I thought I’d share a fun fact!

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