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Demodex and Eye Mites

So what you're seeing in this video is a patient of Dr. Woo who has something called Demodex.

You can see at the base of the eyelashes There's kind of that yellow crusty stuff. That is called demodex and it's an inflammation and overproduction of Eye mites.
I know it sounds disgusting but a lot of people have it and there are some ways that you can keep a handle on it and keep them to a minimum you can use eyelid and lash cleansers that have different ingredients in them like tea tree oil or hypochlorous acid and just daily eyelid hygiene will keep these at bay.

There's also an eyedrop that's coming out that's going to kill the Demodex mites in only six weeks.

This is something that we see every day and lots of patients have it so if you're a patient make sure you ask your doctor if you have demodex or eye mites It's very very common And if you do get a handle on it sooner than later can help prevent it from turning into something like this where it's crusty and scaly.

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